Open Telling No feature tonight, so try out your new stories, or give us an old favorite. It's October, so there's plenty of spooky tales to be told, and odd Holidays to celebrate. Not to mention, what really happens on Canadian Thanksgiving Day...? Hosted By: The Phantom Hear Ye: (Loads in 3 sec.) | 10/10/2023
Rona Barbour is a multi-award-winning storyteller who has been writing and telling stories since childhood. Her storytelling can and does change lives, especially for the young. As an accredited storytelling tutor (American Art Therapy Association in the US) she's worked in schools and Universities worldwide. Hosted By: Bruce Marcus | 10/17/2023
Barbara Peterson is a Chicago-based personal narrative storyteller who tells with eloquence, heart, and humor. She has told at Moth slams, an NSN showcase, and at various online and in-person Open Mics & Jams. She takes her audience on journeys through her life's experiences that she hopes will prove to be valuable. Hosted By: Mike Cohen |
Lauri Fraser is a professional voice actress (imdb.com/name/nm2315031/), as well as a Storyteller. Besides that, and sharing her stories in and around L.A., for 11 years she also produced her own live storytelling series & podcast, "I Love A Good Story". All this, and she's as down-to-earth as it gets! Hosted By: Ralph Chadis Hear Ye: (Loads in 3 sec.) | 10/31/2023
Baden Prince is a dynamic poet, performer, and storyteller who has been a part of London's thriving Live Literature & Spoken Word scene “since the turn of the century”. Baden tells traditional tales from the Caribbean and beyond, as well as originals - including agreeably creepy stories perfect for Halloween! Hosted By: Bruce Marcus | 11/7/2023
Sandy Kealty claims she was a “part time poet” until Covid-19. She then became an enthusiastic Zoomer, and through sheer serendipity was introduced to the eclectic world of Newfoundland Recitations (stories in rhyme). She says she was hooked, ordered up a bottle of Rhyming Ink, and has never looked back. Hosted By: Bruce Marcus Hear Ye: (Loads in 3 sec.) |
OPEN TELLING There is no Feature tonight, so please bring a tale you've always wanted to tell, or one that isn't quite ready; or perhaps even a story about an upcoming November Food Holiday (wink, wink). Hosted By: Mike Cohen | 11/21/2023
Andrea Kamens performs her annual birthday feature hybrid from Havurat Shalom. Storytelling is in her bones. She tells, writes, tutors, volunteers, travels and produces. She finds traditional and contemporary tales from the nooks and crannies of the world's traditions, telling them with respect, wit and heart. Hosted By: Ralph Chadis | 11/28/2023
Laura Packer is an award-winning storyteller who began telling stories 30+ years ago at Brother Blue's open mic. Her stories range from funny to poignant, personal to traditional, original fiction to literary, and more. She knows that stories have the power to connect, amuse, heal, and change worlds. Hosted By: Ralph Chadis |
Bruce Marcus regales us once again with his annual(ish) birthday(ish) energetic mélange of story, song and superabundance of highly entertaining, highly original rhyming creations. Come see and hear what prompted series co-founder/late storytelling legend Brother Blue to declare him, "My son!" Hosted By: Mike Cohen | 12/12/2023
Tellabration!™ It's our late edition of the "World-Wide Night of Storytelling for Adults", but just in time for tales about Winter and Winter Holidays, so please join us & some special Guests for some special Stories. Your eight-minute stories are welcome, too! Hosted By: Mike Cohen | 12/19/2023
Paula Dugan tells stories from myths, tradition and her own musings. She began telling in the early 1990s at Cambridge, MA’s Bookcellar Café – this series! – hosted by the late Brother Blue. Tonight's offerings will include poems and stories that explore tradition, identity, fate and love. Hosted By: Ralph Chadis |
OPEN TELLING Dec. 26th is Boxing Day in Canada & the UK -- no gloves in the Ring, just presents for the Servants! There's no need to be Patronizing or Pugilistic, just bring the Gift of your stories to share -- it's all Open Telling tonight! Hosted By: Mike Cohen | | |