Cheryl Hamilton As a story event producer, it's easy to end up backstage more than in front of the mic. For this special edition, Cheryl will combine personal stories from her international work with extraordinary tales from her curator/coaching roles with Stories from the Stage and Suitcase Stories. Q&A included! Hosted By: Ralph Chadis | 1/10/2023
Merrill Kohlhofer presents: "Ships, Freedom Seekers, and Sea Captains: Adventures on the Underground Railroad". A Minister’s son originally trained as a Preacher, Merrill turned professional storyteller and guide 3 decades ago, focusing on his love of history - especially the forgotten stories that shape our country. Hosted By: Bruce Marcus | 1/17/2023
Andy Davis While living in a half-finished house in the White Mountains, Andy combined his love of nesting stories & epic Irish wonder tales with a dash of magic from other traditions, coming up with a tale of adventure, camaraderie, and mystery. He calls it “The Henwife, the Thief, and the White-Haired Girl.” Hosted By: Mike Cohen |
Sara DeBeer went from working for a library outreach program, telling stories to kids in city parks and housing projects, to a fellowship from Yale that let her wander the west coast of Ireland, listening to traditional tellers. Her great love remains telling traditional tales from cultures around the World. Hosted By: Barbara Aliprantis | 1/31/2023
Neshama Franklin has been telling stories ever since she started talking, but when her fellow librarians tagged her to join some storytelling Halloween witches, she found her calling, after years of theater and dance. She tells both personal and folk tales and considers both genres absolutely true. Hosted By: Mike Cohen | 2/7/2023
Jim Hawkins heard his first stories from his Uncle Jack and neighbors while growing up in the Midlands of Ireland. A retired 39-year English teacher, he's now a full-time presenter of stories and songs from the Irish tradition. Tonight, he presents Frank O’Connor’s “My First Confession" and some personal tales. Hosted By: Barbara Aliprantis |
Michele Carlo It's another edition of "LOVE, ???, & CHOCOLATE". Moth Grand Slam contestant Michele will start us off with some romantic Valentine's Day-themed stories. Then it's your turn! So, make sure to bring your own tales of Confections, Desire, and Love Lost & Won -- for yet another round of Open Telling! Hosted By: Mike Cohen | 2/21/2023
Warren Stokes "The Nacirema Dream" is a conversation with Stokes' ancestors about perseverance and not giving up. Using personal experiences, poetry, images, and history, he weaves a compelling story of life and survival during the Pandemic. He hopes it will inspire listeners on their journeys as well. Hosted By: Mike Cohen | 2/28/2023
Big Joe Pagliuca aka Big Joe the Storyteller.
He normally tells tales to children. This is his opportunity to tell to adults. And he certainly does tell well to adults.
Come and enjoy what he brings. Hosted By: Barbara Aliprantis |
PURIM SURPRISE Sara deBeer says Zayde Joey says, "Come. Enjoy. Join us for a little taste of the Jewish Holiday of Purim.
We'll attempt to tell the story of Esther. But many of the Story Space Regulars will derail the telling."
Andrea Kamens responds, "Fear not! I'll tell a story after Zayde Joey's spiel." Hosted By: Ralph Chadis | 3/14/2023
Milbre Burch began her storytelling career in Providence, RI, back in the 80's. She uses gesture and language to tell stories from literature, legend & lore, as well as original fairy tales and character monologues. In her virtual return to New England, she’ll be sharing a tasting menu of her tales with us. Hosted By: Andrea Kamens Hear Ye: (Loads in 3 sec.) | 3/21/2023
Joy Smith Multicultural storytelling with music: Singing River Tales, African and African-American folktales, stories from the Civil Rights Movement of the 60’s, moving personal experiences, plus Songs and Stories from Around the World. Hosted By: Andrea Kamens |
Elinor Benjamin presents an unconventional Baptist missionary from Nova Scotia, an invisible hunter, and a wonder-tale from Quebec with the usual cast (princes, an apple of wisdom, a unicorn, a lion, & best of all, a magical bird). Come in, Dearie, and I will tell you all.... Hosted By: Bruce Marcus | | |