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The Story Space
33 Years of Tuesday Night Storytelling

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        (Put cursor on Photo to enlarge, Click to see the "Big Picture")
 Rona Leventhal presents: Cracking Open, Falling Up: Stories of Life, Love, and Chutzpah - a savory stew of tales, cooked from scratch, that allows you to taste life's sweet and sourness... with a little spice thrown in for good measure! You'll leave with a sated smile, laughter in your belly and food for thought.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  
 Rona Leventhal presents The Prince of Pirates and the Witch of Wellfleet, her hour-long version of a classic Cape Cod tale set in the early 1700's - an intersection of legend and history, and truths both factual and real. An unflinching look at Puritan New England and human nature through the lens of story.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 Rona Leventhal tells tales with the taste of the sweet and the sour in our lives from folk and personal tales in an engaging dynamic style. She's touched minds and imaginations for nearly three decades with a cornucopia of voices and characters. She'll leave you smiling and laughing with a few tales to tell!
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  

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