3/1/2016 Michael Koran The charming host of CCTV's show AHAH! (A Human Among Humans) is an eloquent and touching storyteller. Enjoyment guaranteed, or your time refunded... Hosted By: Andrea Kamens | 8/30/2016 Michael Koran Charismatic host of CCTV's "AHAH - A Human Among Humans" celebrates his recent victory in his battle with sinus cancer by - How else? - telling the story. Dipping and diving from gentle to gritty, Michael always rocks the house with his inimitable openness, charm and refreshing honesty. Hosted By: Joe Pagliuca | 6/13/2017 Michael Koran is the charismatic host of Cambridge Community Television show "AHAH!" (A Human Among Humans). In connection with Father's Day, he shares with us a long-anticipated program of stories about his tricky relationship with his late father. Hosted By: Joseph Pagliuca |