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The Story Space
33 Years of Tuesday Night Storytelling

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        (Put cursor on Photo to enlarge, Click to see the "Big Picture")
 Jim Hawkins Bodhran often in hand, Jim tells stories and sings songs - mostly humorous - from the Irish tradition and from his own collections: An Irish Childhood, Growing Up in New York, and Driving Across America with Billy Zuckerman.
Hosted By: Barbara Aliprantis  
 Jim Hawkins usually tells Irish stories. But tonight he presents: "Driving Across America with Billy Z." In the summer of 1970, Jim and Bill drove a Volvo, with camping equipment & about $500 each, across the USA for six weeks. They saw most of the country, generating a Feature's worth of lasting memories.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Jim Hawkins heard his first stories from his Uncle Jack and neighbors while growing up in the Midlands of Ireland. A retired 39-year English teacher, he's now a full-time presenter of stories and songs from the Irish tradition. Tonight, he presents Frank O’Connor’s “My First Confession" and some personal tales.
Hosted By: Barbara Aliprantis  

 Jim Hawkins performs stories and songs from the Irish tradition. Tonight he will tell what he says are two of the best stories he has ever heard, and might include a humorous song or two, if time allows. He will also be celebrating his 79th birthday (January 18th)!
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  

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